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Flower Essences (Bach flowers)

Writer's picture: Daisy DoppenbergDaisy Doppenberg

Updated: Jul 15, 2024

There are 38 flower essences in the Bach remedy system. All of these were discovered by Dr Edward Bach, who was a well-known physician, pathologist, and bacteriologist.

He designed the remedies to be easy to use and safe for anyone, including children and pets.

Each remedy is associated with a basic human emotion. Mimulus, for example, is for when we are anxious or afraid about something specific. Taking the remedy helps us overcome our fear and face it with courage.

The remedies are in liquid form so that you can mix any remedies you need to help balance your current emotional state. It is well known that healing on an emotional level has a positive knock-on effects on other levels (physical, mental, spiritual). A healthy emotional life and a balanced personality will allow your body-mind to find its own natural state of health.

When to Use Flower Essences

Flower essences can be used during an acute period of stress or over a long period of time to manage feelings of anxiety, overwhelm and managing unwanted/unbalanced emotions.

The essences can help us improve our emotional and mental state, thus balancing the body and mind.

Flower essence blends are wonderful to have in your handbag or on your bedside table so you have access as soon as you feel that you need a little support.

How to Pick the Right Essences

  1. You can create your own flower essence blend to suit your own unique needs. To find out which remedies fit your personality and emotions, have a look at the chart below.

  2. We can create the right blend for you.

When picking your own essences

Think about what is causing you to feel sad, stressed, anxious, or angry for example – see USED TO TREAT section.

Then think about how you want to feel instead – see ENCOURAGES section.

You can choose up to seven essences within your blend, however this isn’t a necessity. If only two or three resonate with you, then that is perfectly fine.

Common Blends

Stress & Anxiety (original Rescue Remedy):

Cherry plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem.

Water Violet, Impatiens, Heather, Honeysuckle, Mimulus

Mimulus, Aspen, Rock Rose, Cherry Plum, Red Chestnut

Waterviolet, Honeysuckle, Gentian, Elm, Star of Bethlehem

Kids Calm (alcohol free):

Holly, Mimulus, Aspen, Rock Rose, Larch

Teen Support (alcohol free):

Vervain, Vine, Scleranthus, Heather, Holly, Elm, Crab Apple

The Emotional Groups

Bach flowers are separated into seven emotional groups: *The Flower Essence group tables and graphs below are best viewed on a tablet or desktop.





Rock Rose

Fright, panic attacks, terror, hysteria

Courage, calm state of mind, bringing things into perspective, fearlessness


Fear; of everyday things, illness, pain, accident or misfortune. Fear or anxiety about something specific

Bravery and courage

Cherry Plum

Fear of losing control of the mind, emotions or body. Suicidal tendencies, temper tantrums

Mental calm and composure


Vague, unknown fears, terrors or nightmares. Anxious without known reason

Trust and reassurance

Red Chestnut

Concern or fear about welfare of others, particularly loved ones

Rational concern, remain calm without anxiety, Peace of mind



Self-doubt, indecision, seeking advice from others

Confidence in one's own ability and decisions


Indecision, mood swings, tend not to discuss with others

Quick decisions with no dilemma. Decisiveness


Easily discouraged, dependant and self-doubtful. Despondent from a set back

Determination, encouragement


Hopelessness, despair, given up hope

Renewed hope



Renewed energy, resolve

Wild Oat

Dissatisfaction, indecision, uncertainty as to correct path in life

Purposefulness, decisiveness, direction

Lack of Interest in Present


Daydreaming, lack of concentration

Grounding, focus


Living in the past

Involvement in the present

Wild Rose

Resigned, apathetic, disinterested

Spirit of joy, enthusiasm


Mental and physical exhaustion

More energy, rejuvenation

White Chestnut

Obsessive and worrying thoughts that seem impossible to control

Peace of mind and tranquility


Inexplicable sadness, gloom and despair, unsure why you have those feelings

Clarity of thought, brightness

Chestnut Bud

Inability to learn from mistakes, repetition of mistakes and experiences

Ability to learn from mistakes, insight


Water Violet

Likes own company but can feel lonely

Calm, serene and more approachable


Impatient and irritated with the slower pace of others



Preoccupied and concerned for self. Talkative

Good listener, empathy, tranquility

Over-Sensitivity to influences


Hiding troubles behind humour

Self acceptance and inner joy, openness


Finding it difficult to say 'no'

Assertiveness, ability to follow one's own path


Difficulty breaking links with the past, easily influenced

Able to move forward, break away from unhealthy realities


Overcome by anger, jealousy, envy

Understanding, respectful assertiveness, goodwill

Despondency or Despair


Feelings of inadequacy, lack of self confidence



Resentful, self-pity, bitterness

Ability to forgive and give emotions a place, in control


Guilt, self blame

Forgiveness of self, relief of guilt


Difficulty admitting one's own limitations, keeps going even when is rest is needed

Accepting limitations, looking at priorities, relax long enough to recharge


Overwhelmed by your responsibilities

Strength to perform, feeling of capability in self, motivation

Crab apple

Low self-esteem, obsessive thoughts

Accepting one's imperfections, kindness to self

Sweet Chestnut

Anguish, at the end of your endurance

Optimism, peace of mind

Star of Bethlehem

Distress and unhappiness due to shock or trauma (timeless)

Comfort and consolation

Over-Care for Welfare of Others


Over-concern for others, possessiveness

Love and caring, release


Intolerant, over-critical perfectionist

See more good in those around you, tolerance


Fixed opinions, the need to convert other around you, over enthusiastic

Peace and tranquility, Relax and unwind

Rock Water

Strictness and self denial

Understanding, compassion, flow


Always think you are right, can be directional and overbearing

Patient leader, inspirational

Can I Take Flower Essences While Taking Medications?

Yes, they are safe, natural, have no side effects and will not interfere with medications or any supplements taken.

How Do I Take My Flower Remedy?

For acute use when unexpectedly experiencing feelings emotional distress: Acute Dose 4 drops or 2 sprays every 15 minutes. For daily use to support your emotions and mental balance: Daily Dose 4 drops or 2 sprays, 3x per day.

Shall I Choose a Dropper or Spray?

I recommend using a dropper if you leave it at home as you can add the drops to a glass of water or if using it to help your pet (you can add the drops to your pet’s drinking water). I recommend using a spray if you want to carry it with you as you will be able to use it anytime you need.


BUY YOUR OWN STOCK STOCK BOTTLES - create your own unique blends for yourself, family, friends and clients



87 Atawhai Drive 

(Founders Park Studio)

The Wood 7010

New Zealand

ph. 027 348 5361

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