Testing & Analysis
Consultations & Events
We offer an extensive range of allergy, intolerance and sensitivity testing.
Allergies and Intolerances are 2 different things and need testing in a different way for accurate results.
Contact us to discuss your needs
Testing for sensitivity, exposure to, and overgrowth of Candida.
A blood test to assess Coeliac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity
A Stool test to assess Coeliac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity
Testing 50 grasses, trees, animals and moulds items including Birch, cat dander, Moulds and Candida.
A hair analysis sensitivity test, analysing 164 items including foods, bacteria, virusus, yeast, environmental compounds and toxins.
Testing 144 food items for their immediate reactions (IgE) as well as delayed reactions (IgG). Including Candida.
This IgG home test kit analyses 46 of the most commonly food allergens.
Testing for allergy and exposure to 15 common types of mould.
A hair analysis sensitivity test, analysing 975 items across
Foods, Bacteria, Heavy metals, Minerals, Vitamins, Fatty acids, Probiotics, Hormones, Digestive enzymes, Inflammatory, Environmental compounds
& Toxins