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DUTCH - complete
dried urine test for comprehensive hormones

Method - Urine

Urine sample taken at home.

 Send with pre-paid courier to the lab.


Test Results

3-4 weeks


Sample Report

Click here for a sample test report

Items tested

This report covers an extensive range of biomarkers involved in

  1. Hormonal health

  2. Kidney health

  3. Liver health

  4. Adrenal health

  5. Vital vitamins & minerals

  6. Inflammation

  7. Cell health

  8. Sleep & mood



Sex Hormones

  • Estrogen & metabolites (Estrone (E1), Estradiol (E2), Estriol (E3), 2-OH-E1, 4-OH-E1, 16-OH-E1, 2-Methoxy-E1, 2-OH-E2, 4-OH-E2, Total Estrogen)

  • Progesterone & metabolites (b-Pregnanediol, a-Ppregnanediol)

  • DHEA & metabolites (Androsterone, Etiocholanolone, Testosterone, 5a-DHT, 5a-Androstanediol, 5b-Androstanediol, Epi-Testosterone)



  • Creatinine: A (waking), Creatinine B (morning), Creatinine C (afternoon), Creatinine D (night)



  • Cortisol: A (waking) , Cortisol B (morning), Cortisol C (afternoon), Cortisol D (night), Cortisone A (waking), Cortisone B (morning), Cortisone C (afternoon), Cortisone D (night), 24hr Free cortisol, 24hr Free cortisone



  • DHEA-s & metabolites (a-Tetrahydrocortisol (a-THF), b-Tetrahydrocortisol (b-THF), b-Tetrahydrocortisone (b-THE), Metabolised Cortisol (THF + THE), DHEA-S)


Organic Acids (OAT's)

  • Vitamin B12 - Methylmalonate (MMA)

  • Vitamin B6 -Xanthurenate, Kynurenate

  • Biotin - b-Hydroxyisovalerate

  • Glutathione - Pyroglutamate

  • Gut dysbiosis - Indican


Neuro-related Markers

  • Dopamine - Homovanillate (HVA)

  • Norepinephrine/Epineprhine - Vanilmandelate (VMA)

  • Neuroinflammation markers - Quinolinate

  • Melatonin 

  • Oxidative stress - 8-OHdG (Waking


The DUTCH complete is the most comprehensive hormones test available.


Symptoms Associated with Hormone Imbalance


  1. Acne

  2. Heavy periods

  3. Long periods/short periods

  4. Irregular periods

  5. Pain with sex


  7. Sleep issues

  8. Mood issues - anxiety/depression

  9. Chronic pelvic pain

  10. Breast tenderness

  11. Endometriosis

  12. PCOS

  13. Fertility issues

  14. Excessive body hair

  15. Overweight

  16. HRT monitoring


This list is not exhaustive and may includes many more possible symptoms of hormonal imbalance.


To book your consultation, click here.

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